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HOW THE ABUNDANCE PLAN Has Transformed Lives

See why these photographers are raving about The Abundance Plan

— ANDRé schlechte

André went from 3-4k to 10-17k as a Germany-based filmmaker.

It seemed crazy that I was charging less before all of this... 
I arrived at nearly 17k for a destination wedding video. But all I did was show the client how much work it actually is, in detail.



Change has happened on every level. . .

I’ve raised my prices by 73%. I had my first holiday in 7 years since starting my business...I’m just so grateful for The Abundance Plan.”


Jack has 4X'd his revenue since joining TAP in 2021.

[TAP] allowed me to fast forward a few years of trial and error when dealing with luxury clients and vendors and get a faster transition into that status where I'm now booking them on a regular basis. Was able to go from 300K to 500K in revenue while shooting 25% less jobs per year."

— jack henry


Ashlea more than doubled her prices!

Renée raised her prices + booked 4 clients in 2 weeks with custom proposals! “A comfortable and authentic way to connect and sell!”

Emi is making a “waaaay higher profit margin!” 

Jaye raised his pricinging
 and booked a dream venue!

Jillian “can’t stop smiling after getting off a discovery call with a bride that is so in line with my ICA...!! ”

Courtney booked her largest
package ever!

3x her booking rate from when she 
started TAP!

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 

“If you're new here, do the work, participate. This has been the BEST community I have ever been in."

Whitney Yang

“#win. Cheers to confidently raising prices and brand elevation! Today, I'm booking couples at triple the price of my booking rate last year.”

Judith Rae

“TAP is an incredible investment in your business and personal growth and 100% worth the money spent on it.”

JeanneMarie Viggiano

Jayce Keil

“I joined the Abundance plan my FIRST year even holding a camera. I am now starting to attract my ideal clients, add an employee, and double my income.”

Jurgita Nakutis

“We managed to raise our prices for destination weddings by 100% and for the first time this year will hit a 5 zero revenue.”

Jessica Feiden

“I have begun (incrementally) increasing my pricing and it doesn't seem to be slowing down my booking rate.”

Jennifer Conti

“Leaving my 9-5 thanks to the structure and plan put in place by doing the Abundance Plan!”


“I booked my largest wedding collection in 2021 after TAP and right now I have three 2022 wedding clients that invested over 10k in photography.”

Veronica Sparrow

“It's a game changer! No matter where you are in your journey, there is no way you won't get everything (and more) you paid for.”

Please submit your details below to join the Abundance Plan VIP List!

As a VIP, we would love to find out more about your and your business! Let us know the best contact method below. If you select phone call or text, please enter your phone number (including area code) in the space provided.

Are you interested in learning about our other programs to serve your business?

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